Day 3 - Getting a head (or several)

Today has gone more or less as planned. Of course, it's easy to say that when I've made a point of not reviewing what promises I made yesterday. My time was significantly more limited today, unfortunately, but I manged to get some stuff done.

Things I did today:
• Created the main GUI element present during gameplay;
• Remembered to add the lsp-mode hook to my gdscript-mode config and immediately became significantly more productive when writing code - if that statement made sense to you, you're lucky. And if it didn't, you're also lucky #editorwars;
• Hooked the GUI up the real player data, which is currently dummy, but when it isn't it'll make sense!
• Implemented multiple weapon slots for the player character. I think it's kinda cool;
• Drew some monster heads, drew some nanobots which don't look very nano, but they are, I promise. Sneak preview of nanobot:

Things I'll do tomorrow:
• Make some bleep-blorps!
• Draw many many more graphics, particularly tiles, items, and stuff for the player;
• Implement monster generation!
• Implement proper item interaction from the inventory menu.

Again, tomorrow features travelling, so my day will be fragmented, but hopefully I can continue to be productive.

Get Battletier Ascend!


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What! I'm missing out on lsp-mode!