Day 4 - Hitting rock bottom

Day 4 was lost to those twin spectres: bugs and animations. I didn't accomplish much else. Created walk/fall/land animations myself. Now walking off an edge actually works and looks correct. Also got rid of those nasty BlendSpace1Ds and other gunk and learnt to like Godot's AnimationTree.

About 1.5 days behind where I wanted to be. The bugfixes were endless, and had some really stupid causes. Got bit three times by trying to add a float to a variable declared as int and it silently rounding. Why's there no warning, they have warnings for the stupidest things! Not that I read the warnings or errors, there are too many. Others were caused by forgetting important and details of reused code -- not enough comments.

Also wasted a lot of time trying to record a gif for the previous devlog, and it took an hour+ to fix the GUI to not draw at 2x scale like the map. Threw away my first attempt using a Viewport, then found a hacky solution (put the map in a CanvasLayer set to "follow viewport"), but I just realised there was a trivial solution: don't set the window to 2x scale, instead set the camera to 2x zoom. Would have taken 20 seconds. I don't even feel despair, only emptiness.

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